我值得擁有金錢 | 消除潛意識中的限制性金錢信念 | 528hz能量音樂|

Описание к видео 我值得擁有金錢 | 消除潛意識中的限制性金錢信念 | 528hz能量音樂|

我值得擁有金錢 | 消除潛意識中的限制性金錢信念 | 528hz能量音樂|

使用528 Hz的能量音樂每天進行5分鐘的冥想,可以是一個有效的方法來消除潛意識的金錢限制性信念。

1. 創建舒適的環境:選擇一個安靜、舒適的地方,確保不會被打擾。可以坐在椅子上或盤腿坐在地上,保持脊椎挺直。

2. 專注呼吸:開始時,閉上眼睛,專注於你的呼吸。深呼吸幾次,讓自己進入放鬆狀態。

3. 播放音樂:開始播放528 Hz的音樂。讓自己完全沉浸在音樂中,感受每一個音符的振動。

4. 視覺化和肯定句:在音樂的陪伴下,視覺化自己已經擁有豐富的財富和成功。重複積極的肯定句,例如:「我值得擁有財富」
5. 放鬆身心:感受音樂的頻率在你身體內流動,放鬆你的身心。讓自己完全沉浸在這個療癒的過程中。

6. 結束冥想:5分鐘後,逐漸結束冥想,睜開眼睛,感受內心的平靜和放鬆。


1. 錢是邪惡的:認為金錢本身是不好的,擁有太多錢會讓人變得貪婪或不道德。

2. 有錢人都是貪婪的:相信所有富有的人都是通過不正當手段獲得財富,並且他們不關心他人。

3. 錢很難賺:覺得賺錢是非常困難的,需要付出極大的努力和犧牲,才能獲得足夠的金錢。

4. 我不值得擁有很多錢:覺得自己不配擁有財富,無論是因為自我價值感低還是覺得自己沒有足夠的能力。

5. 錢不會讓人快樂:認為金錢無法帶來真正的幸福,因此不願意追求財務上的成功。

6. 金錢是一種有限資源:覺得金錢是有限的,如果自己有更多錢,別人就會有更少錢。

7. 成功和金錢會帶來壓力:害怕如果自己擁有很多錢或成功,會帶來更多的責任和壓力。

8. 金錢會破壞關係:擔心財富會導致人際關係的緊張或破裂,害怕被人利用或嫉妒。







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Using 528 Hz energy music for 5 minutes of meditation each day can be an effective method to eliminate subconscious limiting beliefs about money.

Here are the steps for the meditation:

1. Create a Comfortable Environment: Choose a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. You can sit on a chair or cross-legged on the floor, keeping your spine straight.

2. Focus on Your Breath: Begin by closing your eyes and focusing on your breath. Take a few deep breaths to relax yourself.

3. Play the Music: Start playing 528 Hz music. Allow yourself to be completely immersed in the music and feel the vibrations of each note.

4. Visualization and Affirmations: While listening to the music, visualize yourself having abundant wealth and success. Repeat positive affirmations, such as, "I deserve to have wealth."

5. Relax Your Body and Mind: Feel the frequency of the music flowing through your body, relaxing your body and mind. Let yourself be fully immersed in this healing process.

6. End the Meditation: After 5 minutes, gradually end the meditation, open your eyes, and feel the inner peace and relaxation.

Persistently practicing this simple meditation daily can help eliminate limiting subconscious money beliefs and gradually establish a more positive and healthy attitude towards money.

Limiting beliefs about money are negative, distorted, or erroneous views that can limit your attitudes and behaviors towards money, thereby affecting your financial success. These beliefs are usually rooted in the subconscious. Common limiting beliefs about money include:

1. Money is Evil: Believing that money itself is bad, and having too much money will make you greedy or immoral.

2. Rich People are Greedy: Believing that all wealthy people obtained their wealth through improper means and that they do not care about others.

3. Money is Hard to Earn: Feeling that making money is very difficult and requires extreme effort and sacrifice to earn enough.

4. I Don’t Deserve to Have Much Money: Feeling that you are not worthy of having wealth, whether due to low self-esteem or feeling that you lack the ability.

5. Money Won’t Make You Happy: Believing that money cannot bring true happiness, and therefore being unwilling to pursue financial success.

6. Money is a Limited Resource: Believing that money is limited, and if you have more money, others will have less.

7. Success and Money Bring Stress: Fearing that having a lot of money or success will bring more responsibilities and stress.

8. Money Will Ruin Relationships: Worrying that wealth will cause tension or break in relationships, and fearing being used or envied.

These limiting beliefs can subtly influence your financial decisions and behaviors, such as avoiding investments, refusing high-paying jobs, or unconsciously squandering money.

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