Ssangyong kyron 1st year of hard towing, leto extremnih obremenitev in air suspension nadgradnja!

Описание к видео Ssangyong kyron 1st year of hard towing, leto extremnih obremenitev in air suspension nadgradnja!

zračni mehi namesto klasičnih jeklenih spiralnih vzmeti so logična izbira, saj omogočajo bolj udobno vožnjo neobremenjenega SUV vozila, ko pa se zadaj pripne bager, naloži 300 kg orodja, pa zračni kompresor skrbi za zadostno višino od tal. pametna in zame nujna rešitev, saj sem že uspel uničiti oba elastomera, ki sta zadnja obramba o vzmeti stisnjene do konca!
air suspension instead of classic steel spiral springs are a logical choice, as they allow for more comfortable driving of an unloaded SUV, but when an excavator is attached to the back, 300 kg of tools are loaded, and the air compressor ensures sufficient height from the ground. a smart and necessary solution for me, because I have already managed to destroy both elastomers, which are the last defense against the spring compressed to the end!


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