Описание к видео 💥 DISTANCE

Nobody ever told me your early 20s would be this wack 😭

Video speaks for itself, got myself out of a situation I was unhappy with but I've made it! Life is better, my skin is clearer, things are changing for the better. It's like what that hamster from Bojack said: ''It takes a long time to realise how truly unhappy you are, and even longer to realise it doesn't have to be that way''

Slowly been making more time for myself and my close friendships and I can say I feel like a new person. Oh and I've also managed to learn the solo of this song on guitar recently! Not quite Hendrix yet but I'll get there

Anywho that's all from me for now. Ig the life lesson I wanna share is life's too short to be second guessing what you really want. Today is the youngest you'll ever be, take those reigns and chart your own course ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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