Simulation of tactical scenario with Astor IV - EW jammer system

Описание к видео Simulation of tactical scenario with Astor IV - EW jammer system

Astor IV is a Multi band Electronic Attack (EA), Threat Emitter Simulator and Electronic Support (ES) System. In this video we show how Astor IV could be used in a tactical scenario.

It's a dual pod surgical jamming system that can be used for tactical, training and testing purposes. The dual pod configuration is used to achieve high isolation between receive and transmit so the system can receive during jamming. This is essential to counter modern frequency agile radars. The system contains three parallel jamming channels: two wideband DRFMs and one wideband SOR. This creates the ability to combine obscuration jamming and deception jamming.

Learn more about the system on My-Konsult's website.


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