I2C - Hardware Design (Open-Drain) - Part 3

Описание к видео I2C - Hardware Design (Open-Drain) - Part 3

Hello World,

I have covered the details related to the hardware design of the #I2C bus.
I have included:
1. Disadvantages associated with the #PushPull config.
2. Explanation of the #OpenDrain Configuration
3. The calculations related to the external pull-up resistor value &
4. The impact of stray/circuit capacitance and practical considerations for hardware design of I2C

Part 1 covers the I2C basics:    • I2C protocol Basics - Part 1 (Data Tr...  
Part 2 covers bus arbitration and clock stretching:    • I2C Protocol - Part 2 (Bus Arbitratio...  
The PDF used for the calculation of capacitance value: https://www.ti.com/lit/an/sloa013a/sl...

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If you are a beginner then this video will help you in "Getting started with the Embedded Systems": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh9WJ...

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