(VOLUME WARNING) Ring Racers Replays - Hot Shelter (The Stardust Zone)

Описание к видео (VOLUME WARNING) Ring Racers Replays - Hot Shelter (The Stardust Zone)

Yes, volume warning is emphasized in the title mainly because one of the modded characters on the server that I played on (namely speaking, The Batman Who Runs), is OBNOXIOUSLY LOUD. Be thankful that the server owner has caught on and will remove it soon enough.

As for the map, it's definitely reminiscent of Red Barrage Area from SRB2K, but it does deviate in several areas to make it feel more unique and labeled much more akin to the Sonic Adventure stage of the same name. Those spike hazards near the end can be annoying what with all the adjusting you'd have to do to avoid them.


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