7 Steps to Creating a Mentoring Program

Описание к видео 7 Steps to Creating a Mentoring Program

00:00 Today we are discussing the 7 Steps to Creating a Mentoring Program

00:05 Mentoring programs are a great way to build a knowledgeable, productive, workforce. They’ve been shown to boost employee satisfaction and engagement, and to reduce turnover.

00:16 Whether it’s to ease the transition for new hires, or develop skills in longtime employees, mentoring makes sense for companies of all types.

00:24 [End Cover Intro]

00:30 Welcome to HR Over Coffee, an educational series from the experts at HR360, covering HR topics like recruitment, hiring and firing, employee benefits, and more.

00:42 Employee mentoring programs offer unique benefits to participants. You may think it’s mentees, or protégés, who stand to gain the most. But mentors profit from the experience as well.

00:52 For instance, mentors get to step into the role of expert when they share their knowledge and expertise. And being a mentor is a perfect way to develop leadership skills.

01:03 Not to mention, mentors have the rare chance to see their organization from the perspective of more junior employees.

01:10 The benefits to protégés are perhaps more obvious. Protégés gain expert advice on how to navigate the company and perform better in their jobs.

01:20 Protégés who are new to the organization or position also have a shorter learning curve than others, leading to a more successful transition period. Finally, being a protégé means getting individual career guidance from a pro.

01:34 All these advantages make for employees who are more engaged and satisfied in their jobs.

01:39 Another plus of mentoring programs is that they need not be difficult to put in place. The process can be broken down into the following seven steps.

01:48 First, get management support. The many benefits of mentoring for companies and employees should convince senior executives that it’s a worthwhile effort.

01:58 Second, roster a team of employees to oversee the program. This group will outline goals and specifics.

02:04 Mentoring programs can serve a variety of purposes, like employee training, professional development, or culture change. One or two members of the team can be put in charge of making sure the program gets off the ground.

02:19 Now you’re ready to recruit participants and pair them up. Participation should be strictly voluntary.

02:25 Mentors should be at the management level and have specific expertise to share, while protégés should be employees who will most benefit from having a mentor. Do your best to partner people who will work well together. Your HR department may be able to help you find mentors and protégés who are likely to “click.”

02:44 Next, conduct an orientation to explain the purpose and details of the program to participants, including how long the program will run.

02:53 The orientation should outline expectations for mentors and protégés, and tell them know how you will be monitoring progress. Some organizations even create formal written mentoring agreements.

03:05 The fifth step is to schedule regular opportunities for mentors and protégés to interact. These could be activities like:
• Group discussions;
• Professional development seminars;
• Team-building exercises; or
• Guest speakers.

03:22 Mentor/protégé teams should meet at least once a month for an hour.

03:27 Sixth, check in on the progress of your mentoring teams from time to time. Ask both sets of participants if they are meeting their goals, and make changes if necessary.

03:37 Your final task is to measure achievements as the program ends. Ask each pair to evaluate their progress and comment on the experience.

03:46 Gather the oversight team to review the feedback and adjust the program accordingly. With proper attention, your program can benefit the whole organization, well into the future.

03:57 Thank you for joining us today. To learn more about creating a mentoring program and comply with state and federal HR laws, visit us online at HR360.com, visit us online at HR360.com.


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