Описание к видео TE VAKA - KI MUA (Live)

http://www.tevaka.com Te Vaka performing in Apia Park in 2002. Ki mua is the title track from the second Te Vaka album "Ki mua" . This track is a concert favourite, a very celebration song that always gets people on their feet.
Ki mua written by Opetaia Foai

Ki mua words

taunuku mai i tatou i tenei nuku fou
te kehekehe mai
faigata o te olaga te fakafita a tatou
hoga hoga mai

e fia malamalama ki tatou
i te gagana ma na uiga o ki latou
fakalogologo ki ei
fakatu ai au tautahi
taumahai tatou tokolahi
faka holoholo ki ei

e fano ai au i toku mafaufau
i te kukula mate filemu

tokaga ki mea oku matua
te fehili kua laga a tu ki mua
ko matou e fia kai ite kavei
te malau pulaka ma te fekei

kua manatua na taimi ma na uiga fakafiafia
miti miti mai
te mimita lahi ki haiga ko na uiga fakatahi
fitikitiki mai

galulue mai ki mua nei
tahahao mai ki mua nei
pehepehe mai ki mua nei
fatele mai ki mua nei

KI MUA (To the future)
When we arrived
in this new land
it was so different
we struggled with the life
it was very hard on us
but we were determined
We struggled to understand
this language and new way
of doing things
We listened hard
I stood up among
the many who were adjusting
moving towards understanding
But I go there in my mind
The red sky and the peacefulness
remembering what my parents taught me
many questions come to the fore
also craving for familiar food
The Malau (fish) pulaka(taro) and fekei (octopus dish)
I remember times of great joy
always dreaming about it
the pride in living among my close family keeping it together

We're working to the future
we're playing to the future
we're singing to the future
we're dancing to the future


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