SIV Maestro 2 Light - Oludeniz

Описание к видео SIV Maestro 2 Light - Oludeniz

SIV with Berkay instructing me at Oludeniz.
Berkay works under Jocky Sanderson
Berkay is a great instructor and makes you feel safe at all times, highly suggest anyone and everyone to get Berkay to instruct them.
SIV Course was as below
Typical course schedule
Flight 1:
Constant Cadence 360s, Symmetric Tucks, Big ears, Wingovers
Flight 2:
Symmetric Tuck + Asymmetric Tuck, Trim & Accelerated + Wingovers.
Flight 3:
Asymmetric Tuck Straight & 360s + Search for Spin and Stall
Flight 4:
Stalls + Turn reversals + Wingovers
Flight 5:
Spirals + Wingovers


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