Tour of Resolution Audio Video / HighEndAudioAuctions / in Brooklyn New York!

Описание к видео Tour of Resolution Audio Video / HighEndAudioAuctions / in Brooklyn New York!

The Wexler boys Ezra & Gabriel... the heirs to the New York City HiFi Empire give a secret behind the scenes tour of the multi-armed HiFi operation in Red Hook Brooklyn. This video was written, filmed, directed, and edited by Ezra & Gabriel! Resolution Audio Video designs and installs the finest smart homes in New York City, as well as representing the most musical HiFi brands on the market. Call us today to reach musical nirvana in our listening room: Brands we sell:

dCS McIntosh Thorens Box Furniture JL Audio Anthem Audioquest Accuphase Brinkmann Audio Bel Canto Bowers & Wilkins DeVore Fidelity Dynaudio Rega Rotel Roon Blue Sound NAD fono lab Michell Riviera Labs Sugden Audio Degritter Dynavector Revival Audio Leben Shindo Labratory Fyne Audio Line Magnetic Murasakino Michi Musikraft Ortofon Nagra EMT HiFi Rose Well Tempered Labs

Our company purchases vintage HiFi across the country. (Contact us for an offer on your gear today!) We sell this gear via

So, yes..we have a lot going on, but out knowledge and experience makes us the perfect resource for all of your needs!

‪@DeVOREFIDELITY‬ ‪@dcsaudio‬ ‪@NagraAudioChannel‬ ‪@mcintoshlabs‬ ‪@AudioQuestUS‬ ‪@FYNEAUDIO‬


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