Introduction to Archaeological Illustration | Lecture 04 | SCHG_FOC23_IAIL | Stone tools Drawing

Описание к видео Introduction to Archaeological Illustration | Lecture 04 | SCHG_FOC23_IAIL | Stone tools Drawing

Fourth video lecture in the free online course of "Introduction to Archaeological Illustration".

In this video, Ms. Emile Nelson discusses illustrating lithics in archaeology, which are artefacts made out of stone. She refers to them as the “black sheep” of the illustration family because they are simple in concept but complicated in practice. She talks about flaked tools such as projectile points, hand axes, end scrapers, and flint tools like knives. She explains how flaked tools are made through flint knapping by striking or applying pressure on one surface.
She also discusses the difference between US and European/UK standards for illustrating lithics. In the US, a vertical “folded box” is used while in the UK/Europe, a horizontal “folded box” is used. The exterior or dorsal side is drawn first in the US.
She demonstrates how to draw lithics by taking measurements and following conventions for light and scale. She also shows how to add details and directional marks to the drawing.

Terms Discussed: lithics, black sheep, illustration family, simple in concept, complicated in practice, flaked tools, projectile points, hand axes, end scraper, flint tools, knives, flint, chert, obsidian, jade, flint knapping, striking or applying pressure on one surface, interior or ventral surface, exterior or dorsal surface, parts of the tool, difference between US and European/UK standards, vertical folded box, horizontal folded box, exterior or dorsal side drawn first.

Next lecture: Illustrating Stratigraphy in Archaeology

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Ft. Ms. Emile Nelson ( ‪@explorewithemile1647‬ )

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