Описание к видео WHAT IS ASTROLOGY?

How is astrology even defined? Here's what it is and is not.


Definition of astrology: 0:30
Things astrology IS NOT ─
Other kinds of metaphysical practices: 1:04
Being psychic or intuitive: 2:00
New (it's actually super old): 2:38
Just your sun sign/horoscope: 3:26
Cold-reading or guessing: 3:39
A science: 4:46

Astrology: the study of the correlation of celestial movements and earthly events. (This definition comes from Chris Brennan ─ thanks Chris!). It's easy to think that astrology is just a made up, arbitrary typology system or entertainment scheme. But it's actually a practice with a strong internal logic and long, rich history dating back to at least the first century BCE.

Astrology isn't a mashup of other new agey things, or just being a bit psychic. Although you can use astrology and intuitive/psychic abilities together, and many people do great work in this way, these things are not REQUIRED to "make astrology work". You can be a normal person with normal interests, and study astrology without having to dabble in anything else if you don't want to.

Astrology isn't a new idea. It's a tradition that's around 3000 years old, with the kind of astrology we mostly see practiced today (horoscopic astrology) dating back to at least the first century CE.

Astrology is not just your sign or the horoscopes you find online. It's much more nuanced and complex!

Astrologys isn't just really good guesses or cold reading. Astrology is about looking at a calculated chart, which is like a map of the sky containing the position of celestial bodies at the time of a person's birth, and deriving information straight from that. The person's life fills in the rest of the context, nuance, and detail, but the PRIMARY information is straight from the symbols in the chart itself. No guessing here! (Unless you're dealing with a bad astrologer... in which case, run)

Astrology is definitely not a science. It may have a strong internal logic and be observable (both are definitely true), but it's impossible to recreate planetary configurations in a lab for testing. Since astrology can't be tested with the scientific method, it is not scientific. While this is frustrating to some, remember that you can still learn about the techniques involved, the history of the practice, and even observe astrology happening in real time.

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More about Ryhan: http://www.medievalastrologyguide.com...

More about Jo: https://jogleason.com/


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