Wakonzedwa Mzinda Wokongola | Sunday Special | Thete Church (Dedza) | Judy Sings

Описание к видео Wakonzedwa Mzinda Wokongola | Sunday Special | Thete Church (Dedza) | Judy Sings

Sang this song with my brother Will.

Be blessed as you listen!

Song words and meaning:

Ambuye yesu popita kumwamba
(When Lord Jesus was going to heaven)
Anati ndikukakonza malo
(He said I go to prepare a place)
Kuti komwe ine ndikakhale
(So that where I am)
inu mukakhalenso.
(There you may be also)

Oh wakonzedwa mzinda okongolaaaaa
(Oh there’s a beautiful city prepared)
Misewu yake ndiya golidi
(The streets are made with gold)
Yerusalemu mzinda wa mkwatibwi
Wapadziko lapansi.
(Jerusalem, the city of the earthly Bride)

Abraham anafuna mzinda
(Abraham looked for a city)
Omanga wake ndiye mulungu
(Whose builder is God)
Wokakhala mu mzinda wa mkwatibwi
(The one who will live in the city of the Bride)
Ndiyekhayo wogonjetsa.
(Is the overcomer only)

Mneneri anaona Mkwatibwi
(The prophet saw the Bride)
Akuyenda mosasamalira
(Walking carelessly)
Anafuula “bwelera mu nzere!”
(He shouted “stay in line!”)
Usachoke pa Mau
(Don’t depart from the Word)

Video credit: Mom. God bless you Mama!


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