Learn Accounting Basics in 5 Minutes- Debits and Credits | Uncover Fraud

Описание к видео Learn Accounting Basics in 5 Minutes- Debits and Credits | Uncover Fraud

Learn accounting basics, start with a 5 minute lesson about debits and credits. Debits and credits are the foundation for learning accounting and bookkeeping. This is one of eight episodes for you to learn the key accounting basics including:

-Debits and Credits
-Revenue Recognition
-Accounting Terms Explained-Part 1
-Accounting Terms Explained-Part 2
-Accounting Terms Explained-Part 3
-How to Make a Journal Entry
-Accrual and Cash Basis Accounting
-How To Do A Bank Reconciliation

🔴 Here is the link for the whole playlist: https://tinyurl.com/quickandeasyaccou...

🔴 Subscribe for more about fraud and forensic accounting: https://tinyurl.com/subuncoverfraud

🔴 Need help: https://uncoverfraud.com/home

You must understand the concept of debits and credits when learning accounting. All transaction have a debit (left) and credit (right) entry. At the end of the video, I will give you the secret to remembering Debits and Credits and which side of the accounting equation they belong!

About me: My name is David Malamed. My job is to simplify and explain complex financial information. I am an experienced forensic accountant and fraud investigator that has investigated, reported, testified and authored expert Forensic Accounting and Investigative reports accepted and used in civil, criminal and public inquiry proceedings.

Contact me at:
Email: [email protected]
Call: 1(888) 777-4416

#learnaccounting #accountingbasics #smallbusiness #accounting


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