“Home” isn’t what it used to be in the NBA…why?

Описание к видео “Home” isn’t what it used to be in the NBA…why?

“Home” isn’t what it used to be in the NBA…why?

It is well known that homecourt advantage is powerful in the NBA, and in basketball; however, over the past few decades, this effect has been changing…substantially.

What factors contribute to this advantage, and how can we statistically measure these factors? I have seen many analysts and individuals discuss the possible causation…but very few have sought to measure the different components.

To do this, we captured a decades worth of data from…every score from every game all the way back to the 1940s…back when the NBA was called the “BAA”.

There’s a bit of magic to homecourt advantage…let’s see if we can demystify it.

00:00 Different at Home
00:50 Frozen in Time…
01:33 Measuring “Home” Effects
16:02 What is it about “home?”

Moskowitz, T. J., & Wertheim, L. J. (2011). Scorecasting: The hidden influences behind how sports are played and games are won. https://openlibrary.org/books/OL24596...

Animation - Simonas Uzupis


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