एक जॉब वैकेंसी, उसके अंदर पहेली…जिसने क्लिक किया, गायब हो गया! Cicada 3301 की कहानी। Tarikh

Описание к видео एक जॉब वैकेंसी, उसके अंदर पहेली…जिसने क्लिक किया, गायब हो गया! Cicada 3301 की कहानी। Tarikh


Episode - 879

The Internet's Toughest Puzzle: Cicada 3301
In 2012, an anonymous post on the internet created a global frenzy. The puzzle, named "Cicada 3301," claimed to offer a chance to reach a mysterious organization for those who could prove their intelligence. Using digital steganography, codebreaking, and even international locations, participants attempted to solve this enigma. With each level, the challenges grew harder, and those who succeeded either disappeared or became part of a secretive group.
The puzzle’s cryptic nature sparked countless theories—some believed it was a recruitment tool for intelligence agencies like the CIA or MI6, while others argued it was the work of privacy advocates promoting online freedom. Stories from alleged winners only deepened the mystery, revealing a focus on ideals like free speech and anti-censorship.
Was it just a puzzle or a carefully orchestrated conspiracy? Who was behind it—an intelligence agency or a secret organization advocating freedom? To this day, Cicada 3301 remains unsolved, hailed as the most mysterious puzzle in the history of the internet.

The copyright ownership in the video rests with India Today Group. No third party is permitted to use the video without obtaining the permission of India Today Group. Any permission for usage can be obtained through the email ID provided here [email protected].

इस वीडियो का कॉपीराइट स्वामित्व इंडिया टुडे ग्रुप के पास है. इंडिया टुडे ग्रुप की अनुमति के बिना, किसी तीसरे पक्ष को वीडियो का उपयोग करने की आज्ञा नहीं है. उपयोग की अनुमति इस ईमेल आईडी [email protected] के माध्यम से प्राप्त की जा सकती है.

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Produced By: The Lallantop
Edited By: Alok Sahu


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