Electromagnetic Induction | AC Generator (Alternator) | A-level Physics

Описание к видео Electromagnetic Induction | AC Generator (Alternator) | A-level Physics

This video discusses the AC (alternating current) generator or alternator. With the aid of a PhET simulation (see below), we explore the factors that determine the oscillating induced emf that develops in a coil when a bar magnet rotates. We discuss the derivation of the induced emf formula using Faraday's law of EM induction, and explain key aspects about the emf vs time graph (and its relationship to the flux linkage vs time graph). At the end, we touch on Lenz's law and pose a question for you to answer.

We are grateful to PhET for the simulation used in the video:

PhET Interactive Simulations
University of Colorado Boulder

The simulation used is: https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulati...


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