Ancient Rome #1 - The Palatine Hill Introduction

Описание к видео Ancient Rome #1 - The Palatine Hill Introduction

The Ancient Rome Tour Series #1. Once a Tour Guide of Rome and Vatican City, I have developed these videos for visitors of Rome (and anyone else who is interested in learning about these) to watch and learn about the most popular sites of Rome. All of these videos are organized by the area of Rome (i.e. Ancient Rome, Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, Highlights of Rome, etc.) and numbered by the order in which they would be best seen (in person if you are traveling to Rome) and understood.

All of these videos were originally produced for my Audio Tour Company that has, since production, been closed down. But I want them to be seen. They were a ton of work to finish - from going out day after day to take the photos and videos, and doing my research and writing the scripts and recording the scripts and cutting the videos... all in all, these videos represent several years of my life. I want them to be seen. So I am putting them on youtube. There are many more to come, just some last minute editing to each, and I hope they will be online by the end of the summer.

These videos are short, and meant to be quick and to the point of the subject matter, most are around 5 minutes long give or take a minute or so .

I hope you enjoy them, and if so, please pass it along to whoever you think might enjoy it too. PLEASE CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON!

Anyone VISITING ROME, if you have any questions, leave me a comment and I am happy to answer you at my earliest convenience.

Thank you for watching!


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