Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager (DOS) [14] Volcano Temple

Описание к видео Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager (DOS) [14] Volcano Temple

After dealing with the Draxans outside, we find ourselves embroiled in yet another murder mystery. Was there a need for 2 of them? Geez. Anyway, we go around speaking to everyone important and getting clues, which ultimately leads us further into the core of the volcano in pursuit of the Fire Ruby.

Key points:
1) The sword shard can be handed off to Kell for a +3 Crystal Sword (Two-handed) that inflicts Cause Blindness and/or Deafness
2) Zydeko sells scrolls and Xarax sells potions, both of which require time to make. Resting takes 8 hours off per click. If you are too lazy to click, the easiest way to pass the time is to raise your CPU cycles to 300,000+ and just check after a few minutes. The Potions of Healing actually cast Heal (restore all but 1-4 HP and cures all status ailments) so they're worth picking up several of. Also making batches of 5 potions takes the same amount of time as one single potion, so there's no reason to make singles unless you somehow can't afford any. I'll be picking up a bunch of the potions of Heal and all the spell scrolls offscreen.
3) I tried buying Potions of Free Action, Xarax just took my money without giving me anything. I'm not interested in doing a full test of everything else, so save if you want to try buying anything else.
4) As you can see, using the rock that Ulbin tells you about progresses the story forward and puts you into the Volcano Core. The Volcano Core section has a time limit that is based on your game difficulty. Supposedly your time limit is longer on easier difficulties. Once you run out of time, you just get a game over. I don't know if you can actively get more time by lowering the difficulty once you're there, so it's best to make a save before it so you can alter the difficulty before going in. I also recommend you lower your CPU cycles to 15,000 before triggering this as well, just to minimize the amount of time wasted.
5) Edit: Just noticed watching GHostLP's video in this section. That door in the north wing to Sorval's room, you have to click on the upper half. Yes, it's dumb. More Ravager things (tm)


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