The Wire | Season 4 - Carcetti on Burrell, Valchek & Daniels

Описание к видео The Wire | Season 4 - Carcetti on Burrell, Valchek & Daniels


1. Burrell does not call the shots from this point forward and for Rawls to pick up the day-to-day operations with the department.

2. Valchek is scheduled for promotion to Deputy of Commissioner for Admin for supporting Carcetti prior to his election and days as Councilman.

3. Daniels is scheduled for promotion to Colonel, Western District Commander.

Carcetti wants to find a replacement for Burrell’s shoes instead of Rawls for obvious reasons. Rawls inquires on why won’t Carcetti fire Burrell and gets undermined.

One of my favorite scenes, Carcetti making moves before his inauguration and displays strong leadership qualities early.


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