Editors - Ed and Elliott at Montreux Jazz Festival 2024 (M Le Media Clip)

Описание к видео Editors - Ed and Elliott at Montreux Jazz Festival 2024 (M Le Media Clip)

Here's a very short but very, very interesting interview with Elliott and Ed that took place backstage at the Montreux Jazz Festival, July 2024. It was filmed and originally published by M Le Media on their website, and I "liberated it" after being made aware of it by Christelle. Many thanks to you for your kindness.

You may wonder how much we can learn in just under two and a half minutes, and you will be surprised if your initial assessment would be "not much, probably". Ed lets slip some very pertinent information, accidentally or possibly intentionally (you KNOW that he's aware that some of us are ghoulishly attentive, obsessing and speculating endlessly over these kinds of things!). When talk comes to the subject of musicians multi-tasking he indicates that Tom wants to do some solo work.

If that's true, it means that after 20 years of being an Editor and most recently producing an album in EBM that was seemingly the very definition of collaborative efforts, it could be that Mr Smith may finally be about to take the full burden of creativity onto himself. Granted, here's always a possibility they're just messing with the fans with this casually breaking news, but if it's real then what does that mean for the future of Editors? They joke about getting a new singer but as Tom has historically been the primary source of the band's songs, that would seem to be a dead-end of a notion.

Another situation that seems to provide you with answers, only to create more questions than you originally possessed.

If you want to see the festival performance by Editors that followed this chat, go here:-

Editors at Montreux Jazz Festival 7th July 2024

For more Editors stuff, drop by the Archive

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love ;) x


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