Vladimir Khorikov: DDD in a nutshell

Описание к видео Vladimir Khorikov: DDD in a nutshell

Takeaways: the main principles of DDD and why DDD is important in business applications, technical aspects and patterns in DDD, including the difference between anemic and rich domain models, the relation between DDD, microservices and Cloud.

Vladimir Khorikov is the author of the book Unit Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns. He has been professionally involved in software development for over 15 years, including mentoring teams on the ins and outs of unit testing. He's also the founder of the Enterprise Craftsmanship blog, where he reaches 500 thousand software developers yearly.
He started as an adviser on general programming topics, but lately has shifted his focus to unit testing with a central message of teaching software developers how to make unit testing painless.


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