The Story of Abyss Scuba Diving

Описание к видео The Story of Abyss Scuba Diving

The founder of Abyss Scuba Diving was not raised near the ocean and scuba diving did not come naturally to him. It was his initial fear of diving that then grew into a love of the underwater world that has been the driving force behind the founding of the business in June 2000. Abyss Scuba Diving has come a long way from its beginning with his daughter and the first diver he had ever trained. With a philosophy of small class size and offering lots of diving opportunities for the divers it certifies, Abyss now train more PADI divers than in any dive centre in New South Wales and are thrilled to be the leader in Scuba Diving in Sydney in terms of diver training, diving activities and dive equipment sales.
Find out more of the Abyss Scuba Diving story


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