[MUGEN CHAR] [KOF MUGEN] Goeniko [ ゲニ子 ] (KOF 2002 UM Style) by Ikaruga

Описание к видео [MUGEN CHAR] [KOF MUGEN] Goeniko [ ゲニ子 ] (KOF 2002 UM Style) by Ikaruga

Download Goeniko and Goenitz (KOF '98 Style) by Ikaruga → http://ikrgmugen.web.fc2.com/index.html
Stage: Orochi's Altar Goenitz Mix by Ryo 2005 → http://mugenskyhigh.moo.jp/kof97stage...

Ikaruga released one more KOF fanmade char in 2002 UM Style and it's Goeniko (or Reas, Wind, whatever :P). She plays very solid and her moves are amazing. Once again, Ikaruga nailed it!

Sound: Trash Head (KOF '96 Goenitz Theme) Arranged by YOUKI/ユウキ →    • YOUKI - Co-Co Death Cut? (Goenitz the...  

YOUTUBE →    / thegutaa  
TWITTER →   / guisantos0007  
FACEBOOK →   / guilhermeaugusto.dossantos.1232  


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