Vector Calculus - Gauss Divergence Theorem in Hindi

Описание к видео Vector Calculus - Gauss Divergence Theorem in Hindi

NOTE- During the solution of first question "integration over S3 surface" there are two mistake have made 1. 1/2 left, 2. integration of cos2(thita) is sin2(thita) by 2.
Also Projection can be taken on YZ-Plne or XZ-Plane. Thanks and Sorry for Falt.

Jaipal Vishwakarma

This video lecture " Gauss Divergence Theorem in Hindi " will help Engineering and Basic Science students to understand following topic of of Engineering-Mathematics:
1. Statement of theorem and its meaning.
2. Importance of theorem and relation between Surface Integral and Volume integral
3. Evaluation of surface integral using Gauss divergence theorem
4. 02 solved problem
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