Simple French Vocab in Crosswords - 9 August 2021 New York Times Crossword

Описание к видео Simple French Vocab in Crosswords - 9 August 2021 New York Times Crossword

A gentle Monday puzzle offers the chance to review some common French-derived words that tend to come up in crosswords from time to time. That, plus a fun wordplay theme! - If you'd like to toss me a couple quid or a few bucks, you can do so via my Ko-Fi page, and I'd be massively appreciative!

This is the New York Times crossword puzzle for Monday, 9 August 2021:

0:00 Introduction
1:40 Yesterday's clues
2:19 Today's solve
16:27 Puzzle recap
20:53 Epilogue

#crossword #DailySolve #nytxw


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