Roland Fantom - Exploring “Zone Control”

Описание к видео Roland Fantom - Exploring “Zone Control”

The "Zone Control" area of the new Roland Fantom can be confusing at first, and the manual is of little help. Hopefully, I can clear some stuff up with a few minutes of demonstration.

1. Discussion is encouraged, but please stay on-topic: If the video is about a particular feature of a device ... discuss that feature, not some other feature you don't like. Off-topic posts may be deleted without notice or recourse, at my sole discretion.
2. Critical, thoughtful commentary is also encouraged. It doesn't have to be all "happy talk" Bickering and overtly hostile posting will be dealt with quickly ... the delete button and ban-hammer are used when necessary.
3. This is an amateur effort. Keep that in mind. Comments about how I should have done something differently are not helpful. If you want to show me how to do it better, please link to YOUR videos where you do so.


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