3 | 1st Principle: Sincerity - Usool as-Sittah | Abu Iyaad

Описание к видео 3 | 1st Principle: Sincerity - Usool as-Sittah | Abu Iyaad

Usool as-Sittah (The Six Principles) is a short treatise outlining six great principles of the religion of Islam which Allah and His Messenger have made clear for the ummah. Yet many have still failed to understand and apply these principles, resulting in deviations and sects to form. So the author clarifies these principles in a clear way that can be understood by a common person.

The author is Imam and Mujaddid Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab رحمه الله (1115-1206H). The book is explained by Shaykh Abu Iyaad حفظه الله, using the explanations of three scholars: Ahmad al-Najmi, Zaid al-Madkhali and Ubayd al-Jabiri رحمهم الله.

This book is a great start for a beginner to learn the correct methodology in which they should understand the religion with. These principles will give the reader a strong foundation in manhaj so they do not deviate from the path of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah as they continue their journey in seeking knowledge.

The book with explanation can be bought here: https://salafibookstore.com/product/e...

English PDF: https://islamtees.uk/wp-content/uploa...


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