Wedgemount lake camp & Mt. Weart ascent

Описание к видео Wedgemount lake camp & Mt. Weart ascent

We recently spent 2 nights and 3 days at Wedgemount lake.
My goal was to hike up to Mt. Weart solo on one of the days we were there (as my partner isn't comfortable with certain heights).

I ended up meeting someone who decided to join me for the Mt. Weart ascent. However, it was already mid day so it would be pushing a little bit for timing. Ideally waiting to the next morning would have been best but we decided to go for it.

I made it 90-95% of the way to the true summit, but as daylight was slowly running out, I made the hard decision to turn back, as there are spots on the way down that could be potentially dangerous descending after nightfall (even with a headlamp).

Directions and tips for hiking up Mt. Weart:

From Wedgemount lake - follow the obvious trail around Wedgemount lake up to the next small lake which is Tupper lake. When you are coming up to Tupper lake, stay to the LEFT side where you will start ascending the scree slope to your left.

After ascending up the scree for a bit you will arrive at a mini cliff with a creek crossing to the right of it. We shimmied around and up the mini cliff, however, the creek crossing may be a better option. The reason is, the scree more to the right side is more bigger rocks and the scree we ascended more to the left was more smaller rocks and fine gravel which can be more slippery. I would highly suggest sticking to the right side instead.

Next, you will reach a turquoise lake at the base of a glacier before what appears to be a intimidating looking steep scree slope ahead. As you approach this scree slope (which is the final one) you will notice it's not as bad as you get closer. It is steep and you will need to use your hands as well to avoid sliding down, but it's pretty straight forward.

After this 2nd scree slope, you will reach an upper basin with a semi frozen lake with a small glacier leading to it. Ahead you will see a giant wall which some people were ascending down when we arrived, however, climb to the right up a little scree shoulder up to the ridge (which is a lot safer of a route).

Once you get up to the ridge, the views of Weart glacier are amazing. You just continue following the ridge up to the the base of the final summit to the top of Mt. Weart. it also may look intimidating from a far but it's not bad at all and with no exposure. Appearances can be deceptive.

I was 15-25 minutes from the true Summit, but this is where I made the decision to turn back as daylight hours were running out. My intuition was right and I made the right decision to turn back at that exact point.
the views were phenomenal from where I made it too, so I was happy with that. Next time I will leave early and make it that last little bit to the true summit.

Had a great time.
The lake is cold and great to swim in.


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