Violation of OLS Assumptions | OLS Regression | Advanced Econometrics

Описание к видео Violation of OLS Assumptions | OLS Regression | Advanced Econometrics

0:00 OLS Four assumptions
1:00 First assumption of OLS. OLS First assumption
6:30 Homoskedasticity Vs Heteroskedasticity
9:00 What happens to Beta hat: Still unbiased but not efficient
10:19 When do we need second assumption of OLS
13:05 How do we solve the problem of Inefficiency
13:15 Linear model in R Studio
13:15 LM or Linear model package in R installing
15:19 Cigarette data set
16:00 Residual plots
18:48 Residual analysis
19:00 Violation of the OLS Second assumption
22:45 Formal of to know the Violation of the OLS Second assumption
23:50 BP Test
23:50 BP Test Breusch-Pagan Test
25:00 Null hypothesis on OLS Second Assumption Homoskedasticity
25:00 Alternate Hypothesis on OLS Second Assumption Heteroskedasticity
30:30 Consistency and Unbiasedness - My Question
31:30 Why OLS is not efficient?
32:35 GLS Generalized least squares
39:00 Summary of OLS Second Assumption
40:43 Summary of OLS Second Assumption ON r studio
44:00 OLS Insignificance VS GLS SIGNIFICANCE



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