Shatter the Stigma Anthony Geagea

Описание к видео Shatter the Stigma Anthony Geagea

Shatter the Stigma raises awareness of the negative impact that stigma relating to mental illness has on individuals, their families, and their recovery. It also recognises that, by feeling stigmatised or ashamed, people may be less inclined to seek support or access services when they’re experiencing challenges.

Despite progress that has been made over the past decade, stigma associated with mental health still exists in our community. The way we talk about mental illness and the things we express publicly through media, social media, in our homes and in our workplaces can really make a difference.

The more we can reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, the easier it becomes for people to start talking about their mental health challenges and to get the help that they may need.

Everyone has the right to feel comfortable identifying, discussing, and seeking support for their mental health challenges. As long as mental health stigma remains, too many people will choose not to seek help and support, with potentially dire consequences for them and their loves ones.

It is for this reason #shattermentalhealthstigma is everybody’s business because it influences how we as a society feel, react, and speak about mental health.

Anthony Geagea is a Peer Worker based on Thursday Island with MHAODS and through his personal Lived Experience brings invaluable insight into cultural considerations when discussing mental illness with both family members and the wider community.

Through radio as a presenter prior to coming onboard as a Peer Worker, Anthony interviewed several people with a lived experience actively working towards shattering mental health stigma through reaching a wide audience across the Torres Straits.

There are many misconceptions surrounding mental illness that Anthony touches on in his video on ‘Shattering the Stigma’. His personal account on the impact of stigma and how it impeded his own recovery from time to time, is testimony to his resilience to move forward in the face of so much adversity.


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