Super Trac Stairmate Major Evacuation Chair, Portable Platform Lift, Public Residential Buildings

Описание к видео Super Trac Stairmate Major Evacuation Chair, Portable Platform Lift, Public Residential Buildings

Super Trac Stairmate Major Evacuation Chair from Manual Handling Solutions has been designed as the worlds only portable inclined platform lift; this unique and robust product provides access or evacuation for ALL types of wheelchair with NO installation. Historic buildings where structural changes are not permitted and many other types of organizations have all benefited from the versatility of the AAT Super-Track Stairmate Major. The Super-Track Stairmate Major is supplied with a removable battery pack, charger, stair angle indicator and comprehensive instruction book.

What is it?
A very powerful Stair Climber for moving people with limited mobility in manual & electric wheelchairs. Powered up & downstairs with a smooth and controllable motion.
Super-Track Stairmate Major - A mobile platform stair lift for all types of wheelchair including powerchairs. The unique stairmate-major effortlessly caries all types of wheel chair INCLUDING POWER CHAIRS & SCOOTERS, up or down staircases and steps in evacuation or access situations.
Full details from
Manual Handling Solutions (MHS.COM Ltd)
58, Paige Close
King's Lynn, Norfolk PE33 0TQ UK
Tel 0044 1553 811977
[email protected]


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