Draconic Love

Описание к видео Draconic Love

Draconic Love is Based upon the forbidden love between humanoid/ Dragon. I say humanoid for in this fantasy setting and somewhat realistic from things like the Bible etc. Being a Dragon is to more likely be alone or secret love but with disasterious results.... kind of like Anakin in the Jedi Order. Hope you all Enjoy like Always!

I am Lost in the smog.
Darkness consumes all.
I fear that there’s still further to go.

It’s dangerous ‘cause I want it all
And I don’t really care what it costs.....

I shouldn’t have fallen in love
Look at what I am....
I want you close
But I just can’t let you....
(You'd burn)

I’d set the world aflame
Let the world burn for you
This is how it always had to end

I’d let the world burn
for you...

Just hearing you call out my name
Sets my heart aflame

but I have to burn the world.
Watching it all go down in flames

Fear in their eyes
Ash raining from the blood orange sky
I wish to let everybody know that you’re mine
But now it’s just a matter of time...

Before we’re swept into the dust
Look at what I truly am....
(A DRAGON!!!!)

[Epic solo]

If I can’t have you then no one can
This is how it always had to end

I’d let the world burn
Watching it all go down in flames

Let it all burn
Oh I’d burn this world for you
Oh baby I’d let it burn
For you

Let the world burn for you
This is how it always had to end


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