Unreal Engine - Performance comparison, simple sphere collisions vs instanced static mesh

Описание к видео Unreal Engine - Performance comparison, simple sphere collisions vs instanced static mesh

When making a game with lots of units, we can either create them in niagara or using instanced static mesh component.
I thought, what if we are making a simple 2d game.
Then in theory in theory we could get away with doing just an ISM of planes.
Or not even that, just an array of collisions that are moved through the world without any mesh, then render using the On Paint function of the widget.

An array of instanced static mesh with a mesh is cheaper than an array of collisions without any mesh.

Another experiment was conducted where i compared widgets vs ism.
Widgets spawned on screen with a simple image only vs an instanced static mesh of a planes.
The result was also much better performance for the ISM.


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