ESO housing - Visiting an Ample Domicile custom build on the EU server.

Описание к видео ESO housing - Visiting an Ample Domicile custom build on the EU server.

Some weeks ago, Ermenaa contacted me via my Youtube channel to ask if I'd consider doing a video of her Ample Domicile build...on the EU server. I didn't know what to expect, but as I'd never been to the EU server I said I'd come. And I am so glad I did! Ermenaa's custom build is magnificent and showcases both her architectural skills as well as her love of lighting and water.
Creating a video to do justice to her build was an absolute pleasure.

If you're on the EU server and would like to visit Ermena's build for yourself, copy-paste the script below into the chat box in game:

/script JumpToSpecificHouse("@ermenaa", 11)

The script should port you straight to Ermenaa's house.

And finally, special thanks to Peritune for her amazing Royalty Free Music. The melody playing throughout this video is:


Enjoy. :)


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