HOW TO BUILD A CAR in Automation the car company tycoon

Описание к видео HOW TO BUILD A CAR in Automation the car company tycoon

every wanted to know what it really takes to build a car in Automation and also how long it takes and of course the most important part what is involved well we're going to take a look at that today so strap in get ready let's go it typically starts with the right chassis type and also then we're moving to the material types and all that stuff so that's where we are right now so the materials we have is car fiber the chassis type the material of the chassis the engine placement front rear suspension and of course a quality slider the most important part to remember whenever building a chassis is are you building it for high horsepower are you building it for extreme lightness or are you building it just to have fun that's what we are doing today and also it's a educational type of video note this is going to be a longer video than normal so STP in get ready and let's go engine we're going to be using as our mule today is of course at 6,851 h 12 we're going to pair it with an automatic transmission with 10speed behind it and also we're going to use our craziness today which is going to be all the explanations and all that so this is body morphing body morphing is a very important part to my thought process when it comes to designing the chz I always play around with it a little bit at a time just to get an idea of what the vehicle looks like with it and also how crazy or stupid I can make it and of course we do a lot of stupid vehicles around there anyway as you can see there the exhaust is sticking out of freaking Chassy there I don't know why but chly just doesn't matter so we're going to get back to the transmission modifying all that just in a second we're just going to of course set the car up for the rest of the time as you can see there we should begin to see the body Ming working as you might see here about now those are some giant ass tires we can of course mess with that a bit later this is the outside diameter of our tires at 625 mm now going up to 670 I believe is where we stopped originally but we'll leave it at 655 mm here is our material type for the rim and also here's the brakes brakes is very important when you want to slow down or stop as you might know by now it's very important but anyway we don't need those but we are going sport the fuser with cooling flaps we'll get back to the whole cooling flow all that is in just here a second we're of course going to use an automatic hop as our convertible type sport HUD and also a quity slider that on plus rtin this is going to be a real expensive vehicle now doesn't it it's also going to be one Hefty vehicle 2,458 kilos I did not mess with it too much cuz I don't want to it's not really a good idea right now as you can see there we have a slew of issues and one of them are brakes of course don't have enough brakes we're going to do c mix now front and rear also going to do race material brakes which I don't really know too much about brakes do so if you do know a lot about brakes do let me know down below and while you're down there please do consider hit that subscribe Button as horse and also smash that like button because it lets the AL of them know at me know that you like the more in depth videos now we're going to put a beautiful nose on this thing a nice ass on it and also the rest of the attachment parts that goes with it the first point we're going to use is our front lights or headlights whichever way you like to say it there's some tail light there some indicators and all sorts of other body stuff most important ones of course we're going to be messing with today is the front lights and girls and Vents and all sorts other stuff this is the most important part this is this is the part everybody sees whenever you drive out somewhere from the front and also the rear is also very important that's why we're going to use this type of light I like this type of light for these types of vehicles because I sometimes I mess with things too much I mess around too much with some light types and also too much grow types and all that so we're going to start start with let's see I like that Grill but that's not going to work for us this one's also very nice but I think we're going to use one of these single beams like that just make it a whole lot smaller in the width Department right about there I think we're going to leave it there just enough to make it annoying but also just enough to make it work so if you're in a pinch you need to design a front grill you can use one of these presets these were freaking awesome now that looks good from while away almost looks like a shark from the front so we don't really need mirrors where


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