Cardiac catheterization قسطره تشخيصية وعلاجيه وتركيب دعامه في الشريان الرئيسي بعد حدوث الجلطة د

Описание к видео Cardiac catheterization قسطره تشخيصية وعلاجيه وتركيب دعامه في الشريان الرئيسي بعد حدوث الجلطة د

مريض حضر للمستشفي وتم تشخيصة بجلطة حديثة بالقلب وتم حجزه بالعنايه واخد مذيب جلطات في أول ساعه من حدوث الجلطة مما اثر بالايجاب فعند.دخوله لعمل قسطره تشخيصيه بعد عمل قرار وتصويره تبين وجود ضيق بالشريان الرئيسي اثر الجلطه وتم تركيب دعامه له وخرج المريض بسلامه بعد ٢٤ من خروجه من غرفه العمليات

دي اول حاله هنزلها بالترجمة بناءا علي طلب بعض الناس هشرح الفيديو عربي بس هترجمه كتابه
Cardiac catheterization

A medical procedure used to diagnose and treat certain diseases of the heart arteries.
Cardiac catheterization rarely causes serious complications.
It is done to diagnose or treat some problems with the valves and arteries of the heart.
Make sure to follow the doctor's instructions before, during and after the operation.
The person is often awake during the procedure, and general anesthesia is rarely needed.
‏Definition of cardiac catheterization:
It is a common medical procedure, which rarely causes serious complications, and is used to examine and evaluate the function of the heart arteries, valves, and heart muscle, as well as to treat some of its diseases. The groin, including x-rays of the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle.

Other names:
Cardiac catheterization - coronary angiography.
‏Their purpose:
Diagnosis of narrowed or blocked coronary arteries with a waxy substance (plaque).
Evaluation of the degree of valvular heart disease.
Evaluation of some myocardial functions.
Performing a therapeutic intervention for narrowed or blocked arteries.
Measurement of the oxygen content in the chambers of the heart.
Look for defects in the valves or between the chambers of the heart.
Taking a biopsy of heart tissue for examination under a microscope.
Ultrasound may be used during cardiac catheterization to accurately assess the degree of blockage in the coronary arteries.
‏Mechanism of Action:
Administer a local anesthetic to numb the needle puncture site.
Insertion of a thin tube (catheter) into a blood vessel, usually from the groin or arm.
The catheter is inserted into the arteries of the heart.
View the position of the catheter as it overlaps the blood vessels through the screen.
When the catheter is in place, a small amount of a specific dye will be injected. To illustrate the coronary arteries.
After the dye flows through the coronary arteries, X-rays are taken, and this test is called (diagnostic cardiac catheterization).
‏Interventional procedure:
It is a non-surgical treatment used to open narrowed coronary arteries to improve perfusion of the heart. It can be performed at the same time as a diagnostic cardiac catheterization procedure, or it may be scheduled at another time, by placing a balloon with a stent if the patient needs it.
‏Preparations before cardiac catheterization:
Tell your doctor about any medications you are taking.
Ensure that all necessary examinations are performed before performing a cardiac catheterization.
You must follow the doctor's instructions about abstaining from eating and drinking at least 4 hours before the procedure.
You should discuss with your doctor if you have an allergy to certain substances, especially iodine and others.
Avoid stopping or adjusting medication doses without consulting a doctor (such as: aspirin, diabetes medications, etc.).
Take care to relax and avoid anxiety and nervous tension.
Make sure to remove dentures and jewelry, especially necklaces.


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