AAVSO webinar, with Dr. Adam Burgasser and Dr. Boris Gänsicke

Описание к видео AAVSO webinar, with Dr. Adam Burgasser and Dr. Boris Gänsicke

This webinar was originally broadcast live on April 24th, 2021. It first features Dr. Adam Burgasser (UCalifornia, San Diego), "Stormy with a Chance of Iron: Weather and the Dynamic Atmospheres of Cold Stars and Brown Dwarfs." Clouds of these stars are made of molten iron, rock snow, and sulfide sleet. He discusses how we know about the existence of these clouds, both from theory and observation, and how these clouds are used to study rotation and 3D atmospheric structure, and even find binary brown dwarfs.

Second, is Dr. Boris Gänsicke (UWarwick), "The end of the worlds," in which he discusses the ultimate fate of planetary systems: what happens once the planet host stars run out of fuel, including planets or their remains surviving the metamorphosis of their host stars. He also reviews how we identify such evolved planetary systems, and the detections of giant planets on close orbits around white dwarfs.

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