Weekly Apple Extravaganza: RIP Aperture, kid-rewarding router, 'portable' RAID and noisy keyboard

Описание к видео Weekly Apple Extravaganza: RIP Aperture, kid-rewarding router, 'portable' RAID and noisy keyboard

Apple is killing its pro photo app, Aperture, so what does that mean for its users; a router that lets parents reward their kids by giving access to specific sites and apps; a very high-performance RAID drive that somewhat stretches the definition of 'portable'; and a hugely noisy, hugely fantastic keyboard! For more MacFormatty goodness, get the latest edition of our iPad magazine completely free with a trial subscription in http://macformat.com/ipad

Further reading:
Apple kills Aperture http://www.loopinsight.com/2014/06/27...
Adobe 'doubles down' on Lightroom http://blogs.adobe.com/photoshopdotco...

Products mentioned:
Kudoso https://www.kudoso.com
Promise Pegasus 2 M4 http://aos.prf.hn/click/camref:ijmB/p...
Matias Tactile Pro http://www.amazon.co.uk/Matias-Tactil...


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