Joy Rieger reading Shelly Oria's "Sacrifice"

Описание к видео Joy Rieger reading Shelly Oria's "Sacrifice"

"Sacrifice" by Shelly Oria

The Decameron "BRIGATA" thanks Shelly and Joy for their free contribution ❤️

Shelly Oria charity of choice:
arranges and funds confidential, personalized travel support to those seeking abortion care in increasingly hostile environments.

"It's my turn now! Your job is to be quiet and listen. Perform your job, please.
The Speaking Stick is grimy. You know why. It's grimy because I'm the last one to go. Because all nine of you have sweated your feelings through your fingers onto this poor thing while you talked. What is this even? A decapitated spatula? Don't answer. I'm not trying to make you break the rules. I'll assume one of you decapitated a spatula for this stupid game. Whatever. We've all done worse..."

Background by Richard Petit. Incorporating elements of:
Marriage at Cana from Scenes from the Life of Christ, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua (1304-1306) Giotto
Upside Down Loop [Death Loop] (1938) Tullio Crali
Iridescent Interpenetration No . 4 [Study of light] (1913) Giacomo Balla

After Effects artist Carlos Aldana.


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