XLOOKUP Sum of All Matches Using Excel | XLOOKUP or SUMIF? | XLOOKUP or SUMPRODUCT?

Описание к видео XLOOKUP Sum of All Matches Using Excel | XLOOKUP or SUMIF? | XLOOKUP or SUMPRODUCT?

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In this Microsoft Excel video tutorial I demonstrate how to calculate a sum of all matches. You might be trying to do this using XLOOKUP, but this is not always the best method. The video explores three completely different scenarios where you need to sum all matches. Each scenario is best served with a different set of functions.

Table of Contents:

00:00 - Introduction
00:18 - Example 1 SUM FILTER or SUMIF
02:25 - Example 2 SUM XLOOKUP
04:19 - Example 3: SUM SUMIF or SUMPRODUCT SUMIF


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