Aisling's Song (Pangur Bán) for Solo Guitar

Описание к видео Aisling's Song (Pangur Bán) for Solo Guitar

An exceedingly pretty song from one of my very favorite films, this tune is sung to a cat in Gaelic and English. Apparently (according to various Gaelic-speaking Youtubers) the original text translates as "There is nothing in this world but mist, and we will only be here for a short time."

Learned from the OST version performed by Christen Mooney.

Played on a Martin DR tuned CEegab with a capo on 8.

Recorded on a pair of Samson C02 microphones and an Audio Technica AT2050 on the lower bout through a PreSonus interface. Video shot on Sony α37 DSLR and an iPhone 4S. Edited with Sony Acid and Vegas.


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