1997, Filyovskaya Line cabview (Филёвская линия, вид из кабины)

Описание к видео 1997, Filyovskaya Line cabview (Филёвская линия, вид из кабины)

This is some rare 1997 footage of the Filyovskaya line of the Moscow Metro. You can see the old venerable E(zh) rolling stock and a glimpse of the post-perestroika Moscow shortly before its firm embrace of capitalism.

I love this line. Unlike others, most of its stations are located above ground, which brightens the commuters' day and somewhat spares their eardrums from the incessant underground echo noise.

This video file is not mine. I'm re-uploading it to Youtube due to its uniqueness and historical value, and the fact it is an amateur video that was intended to be freely redistributed.
Пожалуйста дайте мне знать если вы автор и не хотите распространения этого видео, и я его удалю.


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