You Will Be Left Behind If You Wear These Things I Hate Says The LORD. REPENT, Be SOBER. Time Is ..

Описание к видео You Will Be Left Behind If You Wear These Things I Hate Says The LORD. REPENT, Be SOBER. Time Is ..

Scriptures from the LORD GOD (KJV)

John 14
Hebrews 12: 14
Hebrews 10 - Attention to verses 26
Hosea 4: 6
Revelation 21:8 and verse 27
Revelation 22: 12 (The LoRD's Reward)
Revelation 3: 21 (Overcomes)
Luke 6 Attention to verses 39-49
Luke 12: 34
Luke 13: 3
Luke 17
Matthew 6 - Attention to verse 24 & 33
Matthew 10 - Attention to verse 37
Matthew 15: 18-19
Matthew 16 - Attention to verse 26
Matthew 22
Matthew 24
Matthew 28: 18-19
1 Corinthians 6: 9 -19
Galatians 5: 16-17
Psalm 15
Psalm 42 - Attention to verse 1 & 2
Psalm 90 - Attention to verses 4 & 10
Psalm 107: 9
Lamentations 4 - Attention to verse 22
1 Thimothy 2: 9-10
1 Peter 3: 3-4
Jeremiah 4: 30
Jeremiah 17: 9
Jeremiah 23: 21-22
1 John 2: 15-16
2 Kings 9: 30
Proverbs 6: 12
Proverbs 31: 30
Isaiah 9
Isaiah 3: 16-26
1 Samuel 16: 7 Needs Discernment on this!
Ezekiel 36: 26


If you use all kinds of makeup (powder, and foundations, even just a little including lipstick colors 💄 💋 lip shine, lip filler, lip liner or any kind of these things, nail polish, false nails including injections in your bodies to change the way you look, you must stop, and repent. GOD wants you to stay natural 100%.

If you wear any kind of hair besides your natural hair, including braids, and note that we are not even allowed to braiding our own hair, if you use those hair relaxers products to change your hair, hair lights colors etc, you must stop and repent. The LORD GOD wants you to keep your natural hair 100%.

If you wear ornaments (Jewelries), including earrings, you must stop wearing them.

You must stop wearing provocative dressing, including high heels (Sexy and feminine),

The LORD GOD wants you to stay NATURAL 100%. Otherwise, YOU WILL BE LEFT BEHIND.

You must overcome these things before it is too late. A sincere REPENTANCE is a MUST. Repentance means "Go and Sin No More."

Revelation 3:21
To him who overcomes, I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.

Let he who has ears hear!


The LORD JESUS CHRIST desires us to crave HIM with a good craving, a Holy Craving, a Spiritual hunger. We must crave GOD above all else. Amen. Use and sing Psalms to worship HIM, dear friends. Amen 🙏. We worship GOD in Spirit, and in Truth GOD is Spirit according to John 4. Amen.

You must cease craving the world with all it offers you and crave more for GOD because He has much more to give you more than what the world offers you.

Revelation 22: 12
And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work.

JESUS CHRIST is the only WAY. There is none other.

JESUS CHRIST is the Way, the Truth and the Life, No one comes to the Father except through HIM.
Seek Me and Live says the LORD GOD. Amen.

Time is very short, dear brothers and sisters in CHRIST. Let's stay faithful to our LORD until the end in order to receive a crown 👑. Amen.

Please share this message if you can. Amen 🙏. May our Heavenly Father bless you all abundantly. With ❤️ 😍

Prayer Received from The Holy Spirit:

Heavenly Father, in Your Son's Name Jesus Christ have Mercy on us and on the whole World. Amen 🙏.


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