How to Change Sponsorship 6 Easy Steps without an Requiring a No Objection Certificate ( N.O.C)

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How to Change Sponsorship 6 Easy Steps without an Requiring a No Objection Certificate ( N.O.C)
#qatar #change #sponsor
On 16 January 2020, the Interior Minister Decision No. 95 of 2019 was issued, indicating that with immediate effect, exit permits have been removed for all expatriates who are not subject to Qatar’s Labour Law.
The new law allows almost all migrant workers in Qatar – including domestic workers – to leave the country without first obtaining permission from their employers, except for military personnel. In order to protect the rights of both employers and domestic workers, domestic workers must notify employers at least 72 hours prior to their departure.
The decision also stipulates that the employer has the right to submit a prior reasoned request to the Ministry of Interior including the names of those whom they deem necessary to obtain prior approval before leaving the country due to the nature of their work, provided that it does not exceed 5% of employees.
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#Noobjection certificate
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BIO DES CRÉATEURS Bonjour Beautiful Souls, Je m'appelle Mex et je travaille et étudie sur MexCreationTv. J'aime faire des vidéos YouTube en créant de nouveaux contenus, en voyageant et en découvrant tout ce que le monde a à offrir, et en rencontrant de nouvelles personnes pour en savoir plus sur leurs cultures et leurs cuisines. Je publie et crée du contenu, veuillez me soutenir en cliquant sur la cloche d'abonnement et de notification, regardez ma vidéo pendant au moins 2 minutes.

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DISCLAIMER: lam not an recruiting agent, All videos on this channel related to private security guards in Qatar is based on my personal experience, Research and opinions. I give information and advise free of charge
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