Vermiculus Chairman Envisions Future of Exchange Tech: Microservices and AI Lead the Way

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In a recent interview at London's Park Plaza Westminster Hotel during the FIA's International Derivatives Week, Nils-Robert Persson, Chairman of the Swedish technology firm Vermiculus, shared insights into the company's innovative approach to financial technology and its vision for the future of exchange systems.

Persson highlighted the evolving landscape of exchange functionality, predicting a significant expansion in offerings to members and customers over the next five years. He emphasized the growing importance of real-time risk calculation, made possible by new technology that doesn't compromise on latency – a crucial factor for market participants.

At the heart of Vermiculus' strategy is the development of microservices, a departure from traditional monolithic systems. Persson explained, "We are concentrating on the functionality that has value for the customers, not the base functionality already developed by other companies." This approach allows Vermiculus to focus on creating business-specific components while leveraging existing high-quality third-party products for foundational elements.

The company has already developed 35-40 different microservices covering various aspects of trading, risk management, and matching. This modular approach offers a significant advantage to customers: the ability to replace outdated systems gradually, reducing the risk associated with large-scale system overhauls. "We can now replace old-fashioned systems piece by piece," Persson said, addressing a common concern among management teams wary of comprehensive system changes.

Looking ahead, Vermiculus is expanding its microservices portfolio, with a particular focus on risk assessment and clearing functionalities. The firm is also venturing into trading systems, with a team developing a new trading platform based on microservices architecture.

Artificial Intelligence is playing an increasingly important role in Vermiculus' offerings. Persson revealed that AI has been integrated into their products from the start, primarily as a tool to optimize system operations. The company is now expanding its AI capabilities, developing standalone components to enhance its systems further.

What is behind Vermiculus’ development of microsystems?
What kind of microsystems are in your pipeline?
Are you using AI at Vermiculus?

00:00:00 - Exchange Functionality Evolution
00:00:47 - Microservices Development at Vermiculis
00:01:24 - Benefits of Microservices
00:02:18 - Future Microservices Pipeline
00:02:54 - AI Integration at Vermiculis


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