How to Gear Up FAST!!! PD2 Season 6 Farming for gear + Giveaway

Описание к видео How to Gear Up FAST!!! PD2 Season 6 Farming for gear + Giveaway

Hey everyone!! We are just a few days into Season 6 and starting to get GEARED!!

Link to my character:

Here's how I gear up super quickly using my Light sorc to farm and get high value drops and crafts really quickly early on

Arcane is probably the most slept on farm spot in the game. While it doesnt have the full drop table for the super high stuff its really easy and lots of drops come from there. Chaos sanctuary of course has everything

After the vid I went and finished clearing arcane I started on here and dropped a vex and a 7mf+cold res sc lol. Super easy to gear up here.

Another way I like to gear up that I didn't mention is running maps with friends and just selling and splitting the drops equally.

(I also have an ubers paladin basically ready to go at this point, more ubers vids coming soon)


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