
Описание к видео 【酥皮烤蝦】派對食譜必收藏!能讓你保持著優雅,享受蝦子料理的美味~

每當家人或朋友聚會時,我總是盡我所能做一個完美的主人,讓每個人都吃得飽飽的。 我喜歡吃蝦,但不知何故,它們並不那麼受歡迎,因為你必須先去皮、清潔它們,才能吃到一小口美味。


Whenever it’s a family or friends gathering, I always do my best to be the perfect host, and get everyone’s bellies full and satisfied. I love to eat shrimps, but somehow they are not so popular as you first must peel and clean them, just to get that one small bite of deliciousness.
Here comes the perfect and elegant recipe, the Puff Pastry Oven-baked Shrimp bites!
Not only that it retains the original fresh flavor of the shrimp, but also allows you to stay clean and eat while standing up.
It is incredibly simple to prepare, check my video now!

#酥皮烤蝦 #派對料理 #蝦子料理
#puffpastrybakedshrimp #perfectpartyfingerfood #shrimpcreativedishes


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