U.S. Submarine Force Museum - Groton, CT

Описание к видео U.S. Submarine Force Museum - Groton, CT

On a rainy winter day we decided to go to the U.S. Submarine Force Museum in Groton, CT.

The museum has exhibits chronicling the development of the U.S. Ballistic Submarine force, including memorabilia and pieces from old subs.

It also features the berth of the USS Nautilus, the first operational nuclear powered submarine (which, among other things, was the first sub to go under the arctic circle). You can go aboard the sub and see what it's like to live on one!

The museum is free and is open every day except Tuesday year round. In the winter it is open from 9am to 4pm, and in the summer from 9am to 5pm.

For more info go to https://www.ussnautilus.org/

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