PARENT POINTERS: Hypospadias Repair

Описание к видео PARENT POINTERS: Hypospadias Repair

Hi, welcome back to PARC Parent Pointers Video Blog. If you haven't already, go check out my previous videos about what to expect for hypospadias repair (before and after). This video (similar to last week's video) involves a special guest hypospadias expert, Dr. Nicol Corbin Bush. She is here today to help answer a frequently asked question by our hypospadias repair patients: what is the difference between hypospadias repairs at a hospital and hypospadias repairs at a surgery center?

What is the difference?
For our office, there is no difference in terms of hypospadias repair. We utilize the same anesthesiologist, same physicians (Dr. Nicol Bush and Dr. Warren Snodgrass), as well as the same nursing team we surround ourselves with. Hospitals have the ability to keep patients for as long as they would like for observation. For other specialties, that is completely reasonable, but for hypospadias repair that isn't necessary. A surgery center allows patients to come in and have surgery while being able to leave the same day with ease. There is an option of 23 hour observation, but no more than 1 night is required for hypospadias repair.

As always, we like to make sure our patients are healthy enough to have hypospadias repair at a surgery center. If your son has any additional concerns, we can get another specialist involved to be sure your son is cared for safely. Please let our office know of any pertinent medical history prior to hypospadias repair so we can make any accommodations.

I hope this was very helpful and informative! If you have any questions or topics you would like me to discuss, please email me at [email protected]

Learn More About Hypospadias Repair:


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